Many employees have to work around hazardous materials to do their job. While it’s not safe to do so, some steps can be taken to ensure proper handling. However, storage is also a concern for these industries. You can’t expect accidents not to happen; they’re going to happen, and you need to be prepared for that eventuality.
However, putting hazardous materials or corrosives on a shelf with other products in plain view isn’t the best way to store these products. Instead, you should use safety cabinets that have proper colour coding and signage.
Safety cabinets are designed to be noticed; they’re either yellow or blue in colour, depending on the style you choose. Along with such, they have warning labels that tell you they’re flammable or dangerous. They also warn against smoking nearby and other potential threats. When you utilise them correctly, you don’t have to be as worried about accidents. Even if the corrosives or flammables spill inside the cabinet, a containment tray is provided, so the liquid goes into that instead of all over the floor or down the drain. Along with such, they have a variety of features to ensure the items inside are as safe as possible.
At EcoSpill, they have a variety of safety cabinets to store a variety of products. Depending on the style you choose (steel or polyethylene), you can rest easy knowing that they are ASAS3780-2008 or ASSAS1940-2004 compliant. Along with such, all their cabinet products are fire tested, including adjustable shelves, and have leak-proof containment sumps. They’ve also got a variety of other products available to keep employees safe. Their spill kits and training are essential to clean up messes and protect the environment while their floor bunding gives an added protection layer for the premises.