Seeing one termite moving about your home might not initially seem like cause for alarm, but the truth is that you must move quickly to prevent further damage. Another sign of termite damage or of termites themselves is a serious matter. For a variety of reasons, scheduling an appointment to protect your home from flying termites is critical.
Rapid Multiplication
Even if you’re seeing only one termite in your house right now, others are sure to appear. Termites can quickly multiply and create colonies in your home. Before you know it, these bugs may be swarming all over your house.
Destruction of Property
Termites are so problematic because they chew at wood and quickly whittle away prized possessions. That old dining room table that you inherited from Grandma or the beautiful rocking horse in the baby’s room could be broken down to dust if you don’t act quickly to protect your home from flying termites.
Decimation of the Home
Even more jarring than the destruction of possessions is the fact that termites can literally lead to your home being condemned. Without termite treatment in Cairns, these bugs could complete destroy the support structures in your home. The physical structure of the house will literally begin to fall apart, leading to a life-threatening situation for you and your loved ones.
When you notice these terrible pests in your home, getting termite treatment in Cairns must become a major priority. Contact Flick Pest Control Cairns at