Spill Kit Supplies: What’s Included?

by | Apr 4, 2019 | Environmental Consultant

Emergency spill kits usually have a variety of spill kit supplies inside of them, but it can depend on the size of the kit, where it will be used, and what it is designed to clean up. Many times, you have a variety of kits available to you, such as oil/fuel, marine, medical/lab, general purpose, and Hazchem varieties. Oil kits may contain white absorbents while yellow absorbents are found in Hazchem kits. General purpose kits may have grey absorbents. The different colours help you determine the different uses for the kit.

Spill kit supplies also have other products inside, such as absorbent pads and booms, absorbent pillows and socks, disposal bags with ties, the storage item (wheelie bin or wall-mounted container), instructions, and some safety equipment or personal protective equipment. You can also find equipment that isn’t included but available for separate purchase. Options can include bin hoods in safety yellow, anti-spark shovels, large wheelie bins with a variety of lid colour options, and a weatherproof bag that holds everything you need. You can also create a customised kit for your needs, though many people prefer to purchase pre-packaged products because it includes everything they need, and they aren’t required to figure it out themselves.

EcoSpill has a variety of spill kit supplies available. However, you can purchase a kit with everything you need to handle a spillage. The goal is to have the kit and hope you don’t have to use it. If you do use some of the product (or all of it), you can always reorder what you require. You can call on the company representatives to walk you through the process or order online if you already know what you need. While you’re shopping for the tools you need to clean up spills, you may also want to consider training on how to use the kit.

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